Thursday, June 23, 2011

Zombie With No Conscience: A Continued Retrospect of a Retrospect

Shane's #4: Left 4 Dead

First things first, I'll eat your brains. Them Imma start rocking gold teeth and fangs, cause that's what a motherfucking monster do.

The game all of us were waiting for, but didn't know it.  Valve made a game that I will probably still play 10 years from now. Who am I kidding, I'll be playing the new greatest thing. But still, I'll probably still play this game next year, which is saying a lot, considering it came out 3 or 4 years ago.  I've only done that with 2 other games: Halo CE and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, of course.

Left 4 Dead kick-started the co-op survival game craze.  It realized many of our dreams: a zombie apocalypse with automatic weapons, ammo, and gasoline cans littered strategically across the land; the backstabbing of friends, without the realpercussions (real life repercussions. I'm rebuilding the english language); and starting fires without realpercussions.  In fact, I think the absence of realpercussions in video games in general is what makes them appealing.  I mean, you may get obese, develop diabetes, and get depressed. But that's a poor price to pay for creating worlds,  destroying cities, and being the hero or antihero of every story. And things like that. Video games are all about God-complexes, probably.  Naturally, I don't support many things video games shamelessly promote in real life, due to the realpercussions. God Complexes are ok I guess. THAT'S THUG LIFE

Left 4 Dead will always hold a special place in my heart. Right in between World War Z and Tale of Two Cities.

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